- Love good character, obedience, education, questioning, knowledge, truthful, neatness and kind words are important ornaments for the students.
- The students must wish their teachers whenever they see them.
- The students speak kindly and quietly.
- The students should not wander here and there inside the class room and verandah.
- The students should wish the committee members, principal, teachers and educational officers when they enter the class room and do the same when they leave.
- Students are required to bring their school diary every day.
- Students should reach the school by 9.00AM. for the late comers, if the number of late days exceeds three days, a fine of Rs. 50/- will be collected.
- Students should always be neatly dressed with their shoes polished and hair done properly.
- Girls with very short hair wear hair bands. Those with shoulder – length hair should make a pony tail with an elastic band. Long hair should be plaited and tied with an elastic band.
- Finger nails must be cut short and kept clean.
- Students are advised to make use of dust bins provided for throwing bits of paper,etc. They are expected to keep the campus neat and clean.
- No student should shout or whistle in the school premises.
- Students must take care of school property. Damaging school furniture, writing on walls, etc. will be dealt strictly. Students shall reimburse the cost of any school property damaged by them.
- Students must look after their belongings. They are advised not to bring costly articles to school. We shall not be responsible for any article which may be lost or stolen.
- Students should not bring mobile phones inside the school.
- ID card is the most important part of school uniform.
- In case of leave inform beforehand by the way of leave letter. The format of leave letter should be followed as given in the diary.
- The students should take active part in all the cultural programmes conducted by the school. CLASS ROOM RULES FOR STUDENTS:
- No bubble gum cracking, food eating or drinking in the classroom.
- No hats, serves, or headbands are to be worn in the classroom. This applies to both boys and girls.
- Assignments missed due to a class cut (illegal absence) cannot be made up.
- Upon entering the classroom area, students are reminded not to linger in the hallway or congregate at the door entrance waiting for the bell to ring.
- All machines and equipment are to be used in accordance with their respective manuals and the expectations of the teacher and the administration. You are responsible for any vandalism or damages (outside of normal wear and tear) to the equipment used during the class period.
- All members of the class must demonstrate RESPECT at ALL TIMES.
- Teacher’s absence is no excuse for a free period. There is always something to do advise and guide the substitute when necessary. Do not harass or disrespect the substitute.
- All handwritten work must be submitted using blue or black ink. Do not write on the backs of papers. Students are encouraged to maintain notebooks for all business classes.
- Students are NOT permitted to access the Internet unless it is part of class assignment for the day. The Internet is a great tool to use when circumstances warrant it. This includes checking e-mail, surfing the net, chat rooms, etc. If you are caught on the Internet without permission you will be warned the first time, and infractions after that will result in a discipline referral.
- Do not bring MP3 players, head phones, walkman, or cell phones or any other electronic device into the class room.
- You must remain in your seats for the duration of the class period. Do not stand by the class room door waiting for the class to be dismissed.
- Familiarize yourself with the school’s late policy. It will be strictly adhered.
- Students must take care of school property. Damaging school furniture, writing on walls, etc. will be dealt strictly. Students shall reimburse the cost of any school property damaged by them.
- Students should not bring mobile phones inside the school. GENERAL RULES FOR PARENTS:
- The parents or person who drop the students before 9.00 a.m., in the school are requested to leave their wards at the gate and not to enter the school premises.
- They must keep their vehicles outside the gate.
- Parents/Guardians are not permitted to enter the classroom.
- Parents who seek information or want to give suggestions should meet the principal.
- Parents can meet the staffs during the lunch time (12:10 p.m. – 1.00 p.m.), or in the evening between (3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.) Due Process: The School’s staff and Principal work very hard to see that students are treated fairly each working day. We find that parents are quite concerned about fairness in situations where discipline, academic, or peer problems are involved. It is the belief of the staff and management that parents have the right to be heard and their concerns expressed. In order that our belief in the right to be heard becomes part of a process action, the procedure outlined below is available to our parents. in any situation where disciplinary action is taken against a student, his parents has a right to
- Know the reason(s) for the action. This will be given verbally by the adult in charge.
- A hearing before unbiased and uninvolved officials. This would be for extremely serious situations such as student expulsion from school. in some situations, the hearing might be before the Principal, Management, or both.
- Present his/ her facts dealing with the situation.
- A lawyer Again, in the most serious situations, legal counsel may be needed.
- Hear the evidence presented by witnesses.
- A decision, based on factual evidence, by the management is final.
- Parent Conference to be held prior to re-entry into school.
Classroom Rules
- Respect other students by listening when they are speaking during class hour.
- Respect the students and school staffs within the school environment.
- Respect the property of others. Ask before taking things that don’t belong to you and return it as you borrowed it.
- Raise your hand when you want to speak or leave your seat.
- Respect other’s personal space by keeping your hands and feet to yourself.
- Keep yourself and other safe by walking all times inside the building.
- Words have the power to hurt. Only use helpful and nice words.
- Food is allowed only at times that the teacher sets. Bubble gum is not permitted at all during school, recess, or on the school van.
- Public displays of affection (hand holding, Kissing etc.) is not appropriate at school or school related functions. Parents will be notified if students persist in this behaviour.
- Complete Home works/ assignment on time. Plagiarized work will be considered work not done.
- Students must come to class prepared for work with all necessary materials, including pen or pencil, assignment book, text books and assignments. Parental Permission: Your signature is very important. We ask you to sign a permission slip only if you understand all that is scheduled to happen, and are willing to assume responsibility for your child’s participation in that activity. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask first. We require a note from a parent (or legal guardian) for the following reasons.
- In order for a child to go home any other way than usual (for instance going on a different van or to a friend’s house)
- To stay after school in order to serve a detention or to participate in other school events.
- To attend field trips. Telephone: The school’s telephone is for school business only. We do not let students call home for forgotten items such as sneakers, homework notes, school diary, etc. students need to assume responsibility for planning and preparing ahead of time. Naturally, you Will be called if there is an emergency, or if the school changes plans (for instance if a programme or trips is cancelled.